Welcome to Neksoft Consultancy Services

Prosper in this volatile market funding.

We have uncovered the five essential elements to maximizing its value.
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Our platform connects companies with displaced workforces

Make the Hard Things Easy for Sales, Marketing and Service When You Let the Platform Do the Work​

Accelerate sales cycles and increase win rates.​

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Accelerate sales cycles and increase win rates.​

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Accelerate sales cycles and increase win rates.​

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Some important functionalities every business need

Feed the funnel and build the right pipeline.​

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Accelerate sales cycles and increase win rates.​​

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Create better experiences in the moments that matter..​

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20+ modules to help you operate in the most efficient and organized way possible

Best school ERP with a suit of modules for 360 degree digitization

core Resource Service Awareness
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Why To Choose NekCrm
The Experience Should Match the Expectations
  • All in one integrated platform
  • Quick and easy set-up
  • Multi-branch enabled
  • Dedicated support team
  • Regular new features & updates
  • Qualified and passionate team
Moblie App

Stay Connected With NekCrm’s Mobile App

Never miss an opportunity to collect and organize new contacts wherever you meet them—at an event or in your store.

Use our marketing CRM software on the go. Track your audience activity or explore the contact profile for an individual view.

Create emails whenever and wherever inspiration strikes

Get online quickly with mobile landing pages

Track your campaign performance on the go

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)